Laser: A Ray of Light in the Field of Dentistry | 100977

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Laser: A Ray of Light in the Field of Dentistry

Author(s): Farzeen Tanwir, Bushra Ijaz, Nabeel Hafeez, Tauqeer Bibi, Saima Mazhar*, Ahmed Bin Khalid Khan and Anum Baqar


The term Laser stands for “Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation”. It was introduced in dentistry in 1960s. Laser dentistry offers an effective method for treating a variety of dental condition; it can be used on dental hard and soft tissues. Lasers of different wavelength are recommended for various clinical procedures. Laser technology has become a valuable tool in many procedures, including caries removal, cavity preparation, soft tissue surgeries, caries detection, peri implantitis treatment, maxillofacial surgery, bonded restoration, and endodontic procedure. Laser treatment in dentistry can be quicker and more efficient with the benefits that include less pain, lack of bleeding, and less postoperative discomfort. It is making great inroads into lot of areas of dentistry, but possible hazard allied with lasers should also be considered. This paper gives an insight on laser in dentistry.

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