Peri-Implant Soft and Hard Tissues Evaluation around Immedia | 82338

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Peri-Implant Soft and Hard Tissues Evaluation around Immediately Placed New Implant Design: Randomised Clinical Study

Author(s): Amr Zahran, Ahmed Mortada, Maha Bahammam and Walid Elamrousy*


Purpose: The present prospective randomized study aimed to assess and compare the influence of immediately placed, immediately restored, newly designed platform switched (PFS) Maxi-Z plus dental implant on marginal bone level (MBL) and the peri-implant soft tissues versus platform matched (PFM) Maxi-Z dental implant. Materials and methods: A total of 114 endosseous implants in 50 patients with different implant designs (PFS (n=25 patients, 58 implants), and PFM (n=25 patients, 56 implants)) were reviewed for implant mobility, MBL, and pink esthetic score (PES) for 1 year of the insertion. Results: Upon comparing changes of the clinical and radiographic parameters between the two groups, the changes of Periotest M values, MBL changes, and PES changes from baseline to 6 months were found to be significantly improved in the study group when compared to control group. Conclusion: Within the present study limitations, results concluded that PFS implants demonstrated better conditions regarding peri-implant soft tissue and cause minimal MBL loss.

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