Role of an Oral Physician in Management of Herpes Zoster Inf | 102696

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Role of an Oral Physician in Management of Herpes Zoster Infection

Author(s): Ketan Adesh Dodal* and Swapnil Mohod


Herpes zoster is an entity caused due reactivation of varicella zoster virus which is the secondary infection and the primary infection is chicken pox. Varicella zoster is dsDNA virus in which the growth is induce from viral open frame DNA template. The prevalence of herpes zoster stages from 1.2 to 3.4 per one thousand men and women in youthful wholesome people whilst prevalence is 3.9 to 11.8 per one thousand men and women, amongst sufferers older than sixty-five years. There is not any seasonal version visible with herpes zoster. Recurrences are maximum normally visible in sufferers who are immunosuppressed. Early diagnosis and managing could avoid the destruction caused by herpes zoster. By the use of antivirals, analgesics (topical, oral, IV), vaccine we can reduce the risk of reactivation of virus. Most common manifestation of this disease is post herpetic neuralgia which also could be managed by opioids. Virology, serology plays an excessively big role in rapid diagnosis of the Herpes antigen in the specimens taken by the swabs. Overall, the nature behind the pathogenicity of herpes zoster is directly associated with the host immune system.

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