Submucosal vs. Oral Dexamethasone on Postoperative Sequelae | 102694

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Submucosal vs. Oral Dexamethasone on Postoperative Sequelae Following Third Molar Surgery: A Comparative Study

Author(s): Kanimozhiy Senguttuvan*


Introduction: Surgical removal of the impacted third molar is a routine procedure performed in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Its post-operative sequelae include pain; swelling and trismus can cause distress to the patient and affect the patient’s quality of life after surgery. Controlling and minimizing the postoperative sequelae by various methods of giving NSAIDS, opioids and corticosteroids is common. Among that, corticosteroids are highly effective in controlling these undesirable effects postoperatively.

Aim: The aim of this study is to compare submucosal dexamethasone injection with oral dexamethasone which is administered preoperatively in reducing the postoperative sequelae after surgical removal of impacted lower third molar under local anesthesia.

Methods: This clinical study involved 40 patients who were segregated into two groups randomly.
• Group 1 (n=20) 4 mg of submucosal dexamethasone
• Group 2 (n=20) 4 mg of oral dexamethasone.

Results: Patients under group 1 were injected with submucosal dexamethasone showed facial swelling that was less evident with minimal restriction in mouth opening and less postoperative pain compared to that of oral dexamethasone that were part of group 2.

Conclusion: Pre-operative submucosal dexamethasone is considered better compared to oral dexamethasone for decreasing post-surgical sequelae.

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