To Study the Different Patterns of Facial Pigmentary Demarca | 82532

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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To Study the Different Patterns of Facial Pigmentary Demarcation Lines

Author(s): Hemadharshini*


In our study, out of 150 patients with Facial PDL majority of cases were Females (87.3%) and only few males (12.7%), among the Females, Facial PDL Type F was the most common followed by Type H and Type G. There is an association between Facial Pigmentary Demarcation Lines Type F based on gender. In this study more than one type of Facial PDL exists in females, which is Type F+ H and Type G+ H and 36 (24%) cases had periorbital melanosis along with facial pigmentary demarcation lines as shown in Table. Group F PDL may present as Periorbital melanosis.

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