Fahad Dhaifallah Almutairi
College of Medicine, Majmaah University, Majmaah 11952, Saudi ArabiaPublications
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Saudi Population towards COVID-19
Author(s): Elsadig Yousif Mohamed*, Abdulaziz Abdullah Almutairi, Fahad Muthyib Albaqami, Abdulrahman Mobark Alosimi, Mohammed Salem Alanizy, Fahad Dhaifallah Almutairi, Sultan Mohammed Alqahtani, May Musaad Alelaiwi, Ghadeer Hamdan Alanezi, Eman Yahya Hazazi and Saja Dawi Alyami
Background: Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) is an emerging respiratory infection characterized by rapid transmission mainly by close contact with an infected person. To control its spread, Saudi Arabia adopted a very strict control measures including raising public awareness by all available means. The current study investigated the knowledge, attitudes, and practice of Saudi population, towards COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This study was cross-sectional. The study population were Saudis from the five regions of the kingdom. Data were collected by an electronic questionnaire after obtaining an ethics approval and informed consents. Three thousand six hundred and fortytwo subjects were included in the study. Data analysis was performed by SPSS version 23. Results: Most of the participants had average and good knowledge about COVI-19 constituted 52.7% and 44.8% respectively. The populat.. Read More»