Madhulaxmi M
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha dental college and Hospital, Saveetha institute of medical and Technical Sciences (SIMATS), Saveetha University, Chennai, IndiaPublications
Prevalence and Associated Factors for Arch Forms in Patients with Class IIIMalocclusion Visiting a Private Dental College in Chennai
Author(s): Ilankizhai RJ, Ravindra Kumar Jain* and Madhulaxmi M
The dental arch form is defined as the curving shape formed by the configuration of the bony ridge. Arch form must be examined before the beginning of the treatment as this would give valuable information about the position into which teeth can be moved during treatment. The aim of the study is to evaluate the prevalent arch form and associated factors among patients with class III malocclusion visiting Saveetha dental college and hospitals. A retrospective study was designed using case records of patients visiting the university hospital from June 2019- February 2020. About 100 case sheets of patients visiting the Department of Orthodontics and containing information on malocclusion and arch type was retrieved and analysed. This data was then statistically analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 software. The study included 100 patients out of which 74% were males and 26% were females. 28% .. Read More»