Md Shah Newaz
Department of Virolgy, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, PortugalPublications
Review Article
Factors Influencing Victims? Health Seeking to One-Stop Crisis Centers in Bangladesh: Unveiling the Wounds of Violence against Women
Author(s): Shuvashis Saha, Mohammad Kabir Uddin*, Shajib Hazari and Md Shah Newaz
This study aims to explore the factors that influenced health seeking to the One-Stop Crisis Centers (OCCs) by the victims of Violence Against Women (VAW) in Bangladesh. A qualitative document analysis of 146 case studies of victims from OCCs of different tertiary hospitals along with interviews of care providers working at OCCs were done to understand the help seeking behavior among the victims. Data for document analysis were retrieved from the official news letters published between 2008 to 2018. Four distinct themes emerged which influenced victims health seeking to OCCs: i) situational crisis, ii) social network, iii) legal resources and iv) victims support system. Recognizing the influencing factors of health seeking to OCCs by the victims of VAW might help the policy makers identify the most important gate keepers and channels to OCCs. Greater disclosure and .. Read More»