Areeba Khan
Ziauddin College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Ziauddin University, Karachi, PakistanPublications
The Frequency of Inguinal Hernia in Relation to BMI at Altibri Medical College and Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study
Author(s): Dharmoo Arija, Ihsanullah Sial, Rajesh Kumar, Sadaf Jabeen, Rekha Melwani, Areeba Khan and Adnan Anwar*
Objective: Inguinal hernia is the most widespread hernia of abdominal wall. Hernia is a common condition affecting both men and women since time immemorial. The aim of the study is to determine the frequency of bilateral or unilateral inguinal hernias in normal and low Basal Metabolic Index (BMI). Methodology: This cross sectional study by using non-probability convenient sampling technique was carried out at Al-Tibri medical college and hospital, Karachi. The ethical approval for the study was taken from Institutional Research and Ethical Committee. An informed consent was taken from the patients and guardian. A total of 82 patients were selected for these studies in which78 were male and 4 were female. Inclusion criteria were based on the patient aged above 35 of either gender with complained of pain in groin region with clinical findings like swelling and tenderness, being an overw.. Read More»