Ganesh Jeevanadan
Assessment of the Feelings and Attitude of the Children Towards the Dentist
Author(s): Keerthana R and Ganesh Jeevanadan*
Dental anxiety and fear of dental treatment in children are recognized in many countries as a public health dilemma. The aim of the study was to assess the feelings and attitudes of children toward their dentists. Data were obtained from a sample of children using a questionnaire. The study group comprised children aged 6–12 years attending the Department of Pedodontics in a private dental college. The questionnaire was administered to 200 children, comprising 98 girls and 102 boys. The questionnaire was designed to assess children’s perceptions of their dentists. The subjects were asked if they had visited the dentist before and if there were any physicians in the family. They were also asked to describe the attitudes of siblings regarding dental visits. In addition, each child was asked to choose pictures that indicated their preference regarding dentist gender, attire, .. Read More»