Heizo Tokutaka
SOM Japan Inc, Tottori, JapanPublications
Upregulated CCL20 and CCR6 in Cancer Stem Cells Converted from Mouse iPS Cells
Author(s): Juan Du, Akimasa Seno, Saki Sasada, Yanning Xu, Aung Ko Ko Oo, Ghmkin Hassan, Shunsuke Ueno, Said M Afify, Maram H Zahra, Nobuhiro Okada, Ling Chen, Xiaoying Fu, Heizo Tokutaka, Ting Yan and Masaharu Seno*
Background: Cancer stem cells (CSCs) as a class of malignant cancer cells play an important role in tumor progression. Previous studies by our group have demonstrated the establishment of the model of CSCs converting mouse iPS cells (miPSCs) into CSCs by treating the miPSCs with a conditioned medium (CM) of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (LLC) cells with or without the nonmutagenic chemical compounds. CSCs converted from miPSCs developed highly malignant adenocarcinoma when subcutaneously transplanted into the nude mice. Methods: The miPSCs were treated with each compound for 1 week in the presence of a CM of LLC cells. We evaluated the gene expression in the resultant CSCs comparing that in miPSCs by microarray analysis. And the expression of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 20 (CCL20) and C-C chemokine receptor type 6 (CCR6) in converted cells were eval.. Read More»