Madhuri Naik

Department of Community Health Nursing, Radhikabai Meghe Memorial College of Nursing, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed to be University) Maharashtra, India


  • Case Report   
    Case Report on Hepatitis-A
    Author(s): Achita Sawarkar*, Vishnu Tadas, Madhuri Naik, Jaya Khandar and Prerna Sakharwade

    Introduction: Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver which occurs from a variety of causes i.e. infectious and non- infectious, hepatitis A is caused due to picornavirus usually transmitted by the feco-oral route. It is a highly contagious liver infection that affects the individual’s liver ability to function. Clinical findings: Mild grade, intermittent fever with chills, yellowish discolouration of skin, Clay coloured stools, Vomiting, Reduced Oral intake. Diagnostic evaluation: CBC: TLC- 17500/, Hb- 8.5gm% , RBC- 3.74 millions / LFT: Total Bilirubin- 8.1mg/dl, Bilirubin Conjugated- 6.7 mg/dl, Bilirubin Unconjugated- 1.4 mg/dl, SGOT-248 IU/L, SGPT-419 IU/L, Alkaline phosphatase 316 IU/L, Total protein – 9.3gram/dl; Ultrasonography: Hepatospleenomegaly with thickened edematous gallbladder wall. Anti HAV: 0.30 positive. Therapeutic intervention: Medical Manag.. Read More»

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