Rawda Aljadar

Hematopathology Specialist, Dammam Regional Laboratory and Blood Bank, Dammam, Saudi Arabia


  • Research   
    Turmeric and Fenugreek-Herbal Agents to Alleviate Sickle Cell Disease
    Author(s): Rawda Aljadar, Mohammed Yunus*, Amr Zaher and Sajid Hussain

    Introduction: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disorder with autosomal recessive inheritance causing abnormal haemoglobin. It is an important medical problem globally as well as in our community at Eastern province of Saudi Arabia. It accounts for large numbers of morbidity and to a lesser extent mortality. Several natural plant products over the world, which were known in some communities and their traditional healers, were studied and found to have properties in improving SCD manifestation. This research was planned to explore if any plant product under our study could prove being an effective anti-sickling agent for therapeutic use in SCD management. Objectives: Studying the effects of some plants on sickled RBCs as well as comparing between efficacies of these different plants. Material and Methods: The 49 fresh whole blood samples, extracted through venipuncture in EDTA tub.. Read More»

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