Shivani Kshirsagar

Department of General Surgery, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, India


  • Case Report   
    Infected Dermoid Cyst at the Nasion Extending on to the Right Upper Eye Lid: A Case Report
    Author(s): Ashish Shukla*, Chandrashekhar C Mahakalkar, Meenakshi Yeola Pate, Shivani Kshirsagar and Abhishek Chaudhari

    Objective: Dermoid cyst are are benign neoplasia having a mixed origin, i.e., ectodermal as well as mesodermal. These neoplasia are often observed during birth. However, it has a varying age of presentation. The most frequently reported locations are nasal, periorbita, submental, and supra-sternal section. Case report: Our article presents a case of a 2 years old female patient who reported to the OPD with a sinus over the nose below nasion and swelling in right upper eye lid since 1 month. The history was obtained from the patient's mother who described that there was a swelling over the nose below the nasion, which had a bursting 5 days back leading to pus discharge. Later, there was a formation of another swelling in the right upper eye lid. Conclusion: Neoplasms known as dermoid cysts are regularly encountered in children. The most often damaged part.. Read More»

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