Vivek D Menon

Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Science, Saveetha University Tamilnadu, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai, India


  • Research   
    Effectiveness of Papain as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent in Patients Undergoing Surgical Removal of Impacted Teeth-A Randomized Double Blinded Clinical Trial
    Author(s): Vivek D Menon and MR Muthusekhar*

    Background: The most common drugs used for treatment of both acute and chronic inflammation include both steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).. However, drugs from both these groups are saddled with many side effects. Corticosteroids for example can cause peptic ulcer disease, raised blood pressure and glucose levels. NSAIDs meanwhile can cause severe complications such as peptic ulcer disease, renal impairment and elevate the risk of developing heart failure. Thereby, the emergence of several alternative anti-inflammatory drugs such as enzyme-based serine proteases have been thought to be a safer option in patients needing acute or chronic reduction of inflammation. Materials And Method: The study was conducted on 60 patients of either sex between the age group of 18-40 years who required removal of impacted third molar teeth Group 1:- comprising of 30 patient.. Read More»

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